slika pridukta

Small working area fiber lasers

Small-area fiber lasers are designed for prototyping and jewelry making. They will fit very well into your space as they will take up little space for you. However, they are distinguished by accuracy and reliable operation.

LF 6040

LF 6040

The high-precision closed fiber laser cutter LF 6040 is intended for the production of smaller and very precise products. It is intended for cutting jewelry and the like. It will...
LF 1390

LF 1390

The high-precision closed fiber laser cutter LF 1390 is intended for the production of smaller products. It is intended primarily for small-scale production. It will impress you...

Reliable technical support

We always provide our customers with reliable technical support. You will never be left to fend for yourself.

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Online store with parts for CNC laser machines, CNC milling machines and engraving material

We built an online store with smaller machines, parts for CO2 lasers, fiber lasers, CNC milling machines, milling machines and with engraving material.

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Statements by satisfied clients

S poduzećem DBK surađujemo od daleke 2013.godine. U tom periodu pokazali su se kao pravi partneri koji vode brigu o svojim kupcima i poslije prodaje strojeva. Support koji pružaju bilo da se radi o tehničkom pitanju, kvaru ili zamjeni nekog od potrošnih dijelova najvažniji je u cijelom procesu. Nije se nikada desilo da smo mi imali problem a DBK to nije riješio. Ako nije bilo moguće telefonski - netko je sjeo u auto i u roku od nekoliko sati bili su kod nas. Takva usluga je rijetka i neprocjenjiva.
Velike preporuke i veselimo se nastavku suradnje!

Damir Zuanović

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